Zhongshan Park 

    Located some 50 meters away from exit #3 of the Line 2/Line 3 Metro station named after it, this park is a favourite of the locals. It offers a decent escape from the hectic environment that surrounds it. Although it offers a rose garden that has nice blooms (when they in season) the scenery and overall atmosphere are nothing special. It's a mid-sized, park that struck me as slightly &mamahuhu* (so-so). I wouldn't go way out of my way to visit this one except if you're in the the area and need some green space and shade.

    They do have special events (which of course cost extra) and they can be quite entertaining. This year is ※The Mummy§ based upon the movie. 80RMB entrance but not bad for a few hours.

    They do have something different if you and a group of friends want a day with a difference 每 paintball. Expensive 每 the last time I went with twelve people, it cost us about 1500RMB, but we had a good two hours 每 so well worth it if you are having fun.
For children, Zhongshan Park does boast a decent play area with boat rentals (the typical "touring" electric boats and the kind where you shoot floating targets with light-emitting rifles, trying to soak others with the resulting fountain spray of water), an assortment of carnival-style rides and a newly-renovated indoor play area. These rides and activities are not included in the park's entrance fee.

    They have an area with plastic balls and activities for younger children - they call this the &Fun Dazzle* and it is open between 0900-1630hrs and cost 25RMB. It is ideal for smaller children 每 up to eight or nine.

    People watching there on summer evenings can be entertaining. A mix of young and old are sitting, lying down or dancing in the square and on the little green hills in front of the entrance. Cool, no fuss, just people enjoying beer and good company.
Zhongshan Park is located at 780 Changning Lu, Changning District, just east of the Zhongshan Park Metro Station and is open seven days a week from 0600-sunset. The price is usually cheap 每 but be aware they have special events that are expensive. (The End )